The Mysterious Origin of Life on Earth
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Billions of years ago. A simple organic compounds that form into a complex one. They can manage to reproduce. | |
Its was the very first life on earth | |
It has helped many species that are alive on earth today. | |
The Earth was very suitable for the species that lived before us. | |
These elements are essential to our life • Hydrogen • Carbon Dioxide • Methane • Nitrogen • Phosphate • Ammonia | |
These elements react with each other so they need liquid Salphant / Water / H20. | |
But these elements also need a massive source of energy. | |
AUTOTROPH & HETEROTROPH. AUTOTROPH - Makes it own energy to survive HETEROTROPH - Eats other living organisms to gain energy. | |
Places on land and surfaces close to the ocean have the advantage of the sunlight. | |
There are hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean that are kilometres under the water | |
A hydrothermal vent is a hole in the ground where the water is able to go inside, where there are chambers of magma. Then it bursts out in hot water with minerals and chemicals. | |
L - last
U - universal
C - common
A - ancestor | |
Scientists found genes, that are usually found in species. | |
LUCA lived in a hot oxygen-free place. | |
There are 2 kinds of hydrothermal vents black smokers and white smokers. Each of them gives different traits. | |
The top choice for the cradle of life is white smokers because black smokers were too hot for LUCA. | |
It is strongly full of Alkaline and is lacking Carbon Dioxide. | |
The black smokers had help with the carbon dioxide, that gave life to species on the lost city. | |
The life on earth may have been given components to support the first organisms. That has evolved into life on Earth today. |
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