
Thursday, March 12, 2020


We went to virtual reality because the company wanted to carry on the legacy of Sir Peter Blake, It was about the sea and the creatures living in it.

VR/Virtual Reality about the sea was very exciting & I saw many fish & things that live inside the sea, Our instructor was Aliss their company carried on the legacy of Sir Peter Blake. I saw that the sea was different in each spot for every fish. When we saw the amount of fish in a huge group we called it a “Tribe”. Around wharves, it is very polluted so it is suggested that you don’t fish at the wharf. We discussed ways we could help with water pollution. These are the ideas we came up with:
  • Check the size of the fish
  • There is a limit of fish per-person
  • Use fewer chemicals
  • Clean rubbish around your environment & beaches
  • Stop Littering
  • Respect Marine rules
  • Eat less fish
  • Catch only enough fish for you
  • Use fewer nutrients
  • Don’t fish in places you’re not allowed to

I learnt that kinas are one of the food snappers like to eat,
Snappers eat kinas whole or take nibbles. When you find Kina
underwater you realise that there is less seaweed, Kina eats all the
seaweed because it is like a source of food for them. That is why there is
not that much fish around kinas, they try to avoid fish because that will decrease the
number of kinas around that spot. There was a video of whales making sounds but
when I heard it I made a connection with an article from last year when whales make
sounds it is like a song. I go fishing & it is my 2nd favourite thing to do.
When I saw the fish underwater I would shout out the name of it then imagine me catching
it like a real fisherman. I really enjoyed the V.R Session. It was very fun & I can’t wait
to do something familiar or look more into the sea.

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