Why Do fewer People travel to Samoa in Rainy Season?
A: Fewer people travel to Samoa in rainy season because it is almost raining every day and dark clouds.
What does ''Special Air Fairs" mean?
A: Special air fairs mean when the price for the flight is cheaper than usual.
What are the times Nana is happy in the story?
A: Nana is happy when she has a smile on her face or she has tears of joy.
List 4 times your nana is happy with Similies and Metaphors?
- My Nana is happy when she smiles non-stop like an emoji
- My Nana cooks like a professional chef when she is happy
- My Nana is as happy as a dog retrieving a dog treat
- My Nana is as happy as a fisherman catching a fish
What does "Papa Passed On" mean?
A: Papa passed on means that he is no longer with them on earth.
Name 12 events that happen during the rainy season?
- Hurricanes
- Tornados
- Rain
- Clouds
- Tickets become cheaper
- No Going to the beach
- Family can pass away
- Houses get destroyed
- Fewer people go Samoa
- Nana loved the rainy season
- Floods
- Storms
During Rainy Season what does it smell like?
A: Samoa smells like
- Earth
- Plants
- Flowers
- Black Lava
- Rocks
- Taro
- Breadfruit
- Teuila
- Frangipani
- Home
What does Aunt Sina hate about Samoa?
A: Aunt Sina does not like the pesky Namu/Sand flies that bite, anyone, they find
What did Malia see when they were flying above Samoa?
Malia saw
- Lagoon
- Green Island
- Blue Ocean
- Coconut Palms
Find the 7 Samoan words with the translation?
A: The 7 Words are
- Afio Mai - Welcome
- Fa'afetai - thankyou
- Namu - Sandflies
- Malo le soifua - Thank you very much
- Malia - Mary
- Ula - Necklace
- Upolu - Island in Samoa
- Fale - House
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ehsasnz@gmail.com , anat@saintpiusx.school.nz