
Thursday, March 12, 2020


In literacy we finished a book called "Rainy Season" it is about the country of Samoa a girl named Malia and her Grandma wishing she could go back to Samoa.

Image result for rainy season samoa


Why Do fewer People travel to Samoa in Rainy Season?
A: Fewer people travel to Samoa in rainy season because it is almost raining every day and dark clouds.

What does ''Special Air Fairs" mean?
A: Special air fairs mean when the price for the flight is cheaper than usual.

What are the times Nana is happy in the story?
A: Nana is happy when she has a smile on her face or she has tears of joy.

List 4 times your nana is happy with Similies and Metaphors?

  • My Nana is happy when she smiles non-stop like an emoji
  • My Nana cooks like a professional chef when she is happy
  • My Nana is as happy as a dog retrieving a dog treat
  • My Nana is as happy as a fisherman catching a fish
What does "Papa Passed On" mean?
A: Papa passed on means that he is no longer with them on earth.

Name 12 events that happen during the rainy season?
  1. Hurricanes
  2. Tornados
  3. Rain
  4. Clouds
  5. Tickets become cheaper
  6. No Going to the beach
  7. Family can pass away
  8. Houses get destroyed
  9. Fewer people go Samoa
  10. Nana loved the rainy season
  11. Floods
  12. Storms
During Rainy Season what does it smell like?
A: Samoa smells like
  • Earth
  • Plants
  • Flowers
  • Black Lava
  • Rocks
  • Taro
  • Breadfruit
  • Teuila
  • Frangipani
  • Home

What does Aunt Sina hate about Samoa?
A: Aunt Sina does not like the pesky Namu/Sand flies that bite, anyone, they find

What did Malia see when they were flying above Samoa?
Malia saw
  • Lagoon
  • Green Island
  • Blue Ocean
  • Coconut Palms

Find the 7 Samoan words with the translation?
A: The 7 Words are
  • Afio Mai - Welcome
  • Fa'afetai - thankyou
  • Namu - Sandflies
  • Malo le soifua - Thank you very much
  • Malia - Mary
  • Ula - Necklace
  • Upolu - Island in Samoa
  • Fale - House

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