I am a Year 8 student at St. Pius X Catholic School. I am in Te Wairua Pakiki 4 Learning Space and my teachers are Mr Gaffney, Ms Nees and Mrs Tui .
Monday, March 23, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
We had to do a catch-up screen casitfy, using any strategy to solve a maths problem.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Auckland Principals Group
Thursday 12 March 2020
Principals Group around N.Z visit SPX
Thursday 12 March 2020, we were very fortunate to have Catholic Principals group from
all over N.Z come and visit us. They meet every term and visit the schools from all over Aotearoa.
This term they really wanted to visit our new flash building and the students that attend our school.
We couldn’t wait to share our learning spaces with them and show that we deserve this space.
all over N.Z come and visit us. They meet every term and visit the schools from all over Aotearoa.
This term they really wanted to visit our new flash building and the students that attend our school.
We couldn’t wait to share our learning spaces with them and show that we deserve this space.
We started with a welcoming liturgy. We had prayers then we had welcoming speeches in Maori,
Samoan, Fijian, Tongan & English. We sang “Mo Maria”, our theme song & “Faith, Hope & Love”.
All the principals introduced themselves and where they came from, Some principals came from
Wellington and two of them came from Christchurch. They all felt welcomed and excited to witness
our brand new school.
Samoan, Fijian, Tongan & English. We sang “Mo Maria”, our theme song & “Faith, Hope & Love”.
All the principals introduced themselves and where they came from, Some principals came from
Wellington and two of them came from Christchurch. They all felt welcomed and excited to witness
our brand new school.
When we returned to the learning spaces, we straight away got on with our maths. We were trying to
not joke around but someone just kept singing. Some principals thought we were cheating because
we were looking at the answers, but really we were marking our number of the day. We all made a
joke of it and laughed until they left. The rest of the time we were trying to solve questions on a site
called “Maths is Fun”.
not joke around but someone just kept singing. Some principals thought we were cheating because
we were looking at the answers, but really we were marking our number of the day. We all made a
joke of it and laughed until they left. The rest of the time we were trying to solve questions on a site
called “Maths is Fun”.
This was the most exciting moment for Saint Pius X Catholic School. Hopefully, they will share their
memories of us with their different schools.
memories of us with their different schools.
Catch Of The Day.
These are questions for a book I had to answer, it is a story about fishing and also about a little girl and her family. I felt like I can relate to parts of the story because I know what it feels like to catch no fish on a good day.
What is important to catch fish? List 6 things
- Top class bait not worms
- Good fishing rod
- Bucket
- Extra hooks
- Extra lines
- Life jacket only if you’re on a boat
- Extra sinkers
Why are the boys not happy with Polly?
They are not happy with Polly because she is annoying them by asking for a turn, while the boys are trying to fish.
Give three reasons why a graphite rod is better than a fibreglass fishing rod?
- The Graphite is better because lighter
- The Graphite is better because it is stronger
- The Graphite is better because you get a better lift when the fish bite. After all, it is light.
Name 5 things in a box that will help fishermen catch fish
- Hooks
- Sinkers
- Lure
- Bait
- Lines
“Quit is Polly, You’re giving me a headache.” is it true?
No, it’s not he’s just saying it as an expression because Polly is annoying him.
Why is the beach-jam packed with people?
When Dad checked the newspaper it said the tide would be high so others must’ve seen it too, if there were multiple people.
Why was the fairy compared to a snail?
Out far at sea it just looks so small, it’s like a snail.
Why don’t they give Polly a turn?
They didn’t give Polly a turn because there were no spearfishing rods for her.
Why does he say “Modern Technology”?
They say that because of their teasing Polly and the line she’s using.
Why does the man next to them leave?
He leaves because that is the time the tide goes out which was told in the newspaper
How do we know that mum & dad don’t live together?
In a sentence, it says “We got the next weekend with mum, dad is ages away” which means they are divorced.
Give three reasons why Polly's fish was set free into the ocean?
- The fish is too small
- To lie to Polly and say it’s going back to its parents
- Polly feels sad for it which is the problem they are having in her life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
God Strand
We are in God Strand for our Religious Education, We are focusing on being a virtuous person just like Jesus. We need to use virtues in our everyday lives, this poster will tell you about virtues you can show for yourself and other people. But also information about Jesus life and why he came to Earth.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Saint Patrick Inforgraphic
As you know March 17 is Saint Patrick's day. So I was given the task to create an infographic about Saint Patrick himself.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
We went to virtual reality because the company wanted to carry on the legacy of Sir Peter Blake, It was about the sea and the creatures living in it.
VR/Virtual Reality about the sea was very exciting & I saw many fish & things that live inside the sea, Our instructor was Aliss their company carried on the legacy of Sir Peter Blake. I saw that the sea was different in each spot for every fish. When we saw the amount of fish in a huge group we called it a “Tribe”. Around wharves, it is very polluted so it is suggested that you don’t fish at the wharf. We discussed ways we could help with water pollution. These are the ideas we came up with:
- Check the size of the fish
- There is a limit of fish per-person
- Use fewer chemicals
- Clean rubbish around your environment & beaches
- Stop Littering
- Respect Marine rules
- Eat less fish
- Catch only enough fish for you
- Use fewer nutrients
- Don’t fish in places you’re not allowed to
I learnt that kinas are one of the food snappers like to eat,
Snappers eat kinas whole or take nibbles. When you find Kina
underwater you realise that there is less seaweed, Kina eats all the
seaweed because it is like a source of food for them. That is why there is
not that much fish around kinas, they try to avoid fish because that will decrease the
number of kinas around that spot. There was a video of whales making sounds but
when I heard it I made a connection with an article from last year when whales make
sounds it is like a song. I go fishing & it is my 2nd favourite thing to do.
When I saw the fish underwater I would shout out the name of it then imagine me catching
it like a real fisherman. I really enjoyed the V.R Session. It was very fun & I can’t wait
to do something familiar or look more into the sea.
We have currently had our E-asstle writing test, it was about a special place in our community. I wrote about the cemetery because we all have memories there and we can never forget it.
1. A cemetery is a special place for the community because you get to visit your loved
ones that have left you, you can feel the presence within you when you miss them.
It is also good because you can decorate their tombstone, making it look all nice
and tidy. Cemeteries give a little description of that person and people in their life,
It can give you memories or give memories to those who knew that person the best.
A cemetery is a place where you can express your feelings & talk to your loved one
A special place: Cemetery
Intro: Do you have a place that is special to you, I do. It is the Cemetery if you don’t agree
I will give you reasons why you should agree.
1. A cemetery is a special place for the community because you get to visit your loved
ones that have left you, you can feel the presence within you when you miss them.
It is also good because you can decorate their tombstone, making it look all nice
and tidy. Cemeteries give a little description of that person and people in their life,
It can give you memories or give memories to those who knew that person the best.
A cemetery is a place where you can express your feelings & talk to your loved one
2. A Cemetery is a good place for a walk to focus on yourself if you have had so much pressure during the past days you can go for a walk and take everything out of your mind. It is calmer there no distractions unless Visitors, burial or fellow citizens doing the same thing as you. You can imagine yourself as a dog running free feeling the wind blow on your face because being yourself is good to release your stress and anger or frustration. A cemetery is also a place for calming down when something's gone wrong.
In literacy we finished a book called "Rainy Season" it is about the country of Samoa a girl named Malia and her Grandma wishing she could go back to Samoa.

Why Do fewer People travel to Samoa in Rainy Season?
A: Fewer people travel to Samoa in rainy season because it is almost raining every day and dark clouds.
What does ''Special Air Fairs" mean?
A: Special air fairs mean when the price for the flight is cheaper than usual.
What are the times Nana is happy in the story?
A: Nana is happy when she has a smile on her face or she has tears of joy.
List 4 times your nana is happy with Similies and Metaphors?

Why Do fewer People travel to Samoa in Rainy Season?
A: Fewer people travel to Samoa in rainy season because it is almost raining every day and dark clouds.
What does ''Special Air Fairs" mean?
A: Special air fairs mean when the price for the flight is cheaper than usual.
What are the times Nana is happy in the story?
A: Nana is happy when she has a smile on her face or she has tears of joy.
List 4 times your nana is happy with Similies and Metaphors?
- My Nana is happy when she smiles non-stop like an emoji
- My Nana cooks like a professional chef when she is happy
- My Nana is as happy as a dog retrieving a dog treat
- My Nana is as happy as a fisherman catching a fish
What does "Papa Passed On" mean?
A: Papa passed on means that he is no longer with them on earth.
Name 12 events that happen during the rainy season?
- Hurricanes
- Tornados
- Rain
- Clouds
- Tickets become cheaper
- No Going to the beach
- Family can pass away
- Houses get destroyed
- Fewer people go Samoa
- Nana loved the rainy season
- Floods
- Storms
During Rainy Season what does it smell like?
A: Samoa smells like
- Earth
- Plants
- Flowers
- Black Lava
- Rocks
- Taro
- Breadfruit
- Teuila
- Frangipani
- Home
What does Aunt Sina hate about Samoa?
A: Aunt Sina does not like the pesky Namu/Sand flies that bite, anyone, they find
What did Malia see when they were flying above Samoa?
Malia saw
- Lagoon
- Green Island
- Blue Ocean
- Coconut Palms
Find the 7 Samoan words with the translation?
A: The 7 Words are
- Afio Mai - Welcome
- Fa'afetai - thankyou
- Namu - Sandflies
- Malo le soifua - Thank you very much
- Malia - Mary
- Ula - Necklace
- Upolu - Island in Samoa
- Fale - House
It was early on a dark Saturday morning. We were ready to take off for another fishing adventure. We could see from afar the rough waves following from behind the boats. After 10 minutes we arrived at our fishing spot.
Our first catch was a big snapper.
After two hours of fishing, we had a full bucket of
Snappers, Trevally, Gurnards and two kahawai’s.
I had almost finished filling up a bucket full of Yellowtail,
I had gone for my last catch. But no fish took my bait.
I waited and waited when all of a sudden dark clouds surrounded the sky.
You could barely see the sun behind the clouds.
Next, there was a moment of silence, but no signal of rain.
The waves kept enlarging every five minutes.
We could see the waves that looked like a mini tsunami splashing
against the front of the boat. Even though the weather conditions
were bad we still caught more fish.
Finally, after the waves calmed down it was time to go, but first,
we had to clean up. Just after we finished I looked at my uncle’s rod &
saw it was pulling, I watched as he tried to pull it up realizing it was a
Kingfish if he was struggling. We could see it from a distance underwater
stuck to the rope of the anchor. When we pulled it up we went straight
away and went home so other people couldn’t see what we caught.
When we got home we were filled with joy because we caught a big fish.
On Tuesday Te Wairua Pakiki learning space went to Omaru creek to look at it and discover how it has been treated lately. I didn't go because I was sick but I got someone to work with me so I knew what happened there at the same time. Charis wrote what he learned there and I had to contribute too so I wrote what I knew from our visit last year, I hope you can read our work and want to do something about our land because the future of our world depends on us humans.
On Tuesday Te Wairua Pakiki learning space went to Omaru creek to look at it and discover how it has been treated lately. I didn't go because I was sick but I got someone to work with me so I knew what happened there at the same time. Charis wrote what he learned there and I had to contribute too so I wrote what I knew from our visit last year, I hope you can read our work and want to do something about our land because the future of our world depends on us humans.
On the weekend I had been recovering from coughing a lot.
On Friday I went to my little cousin's 2nd birthday. We ate a lot
of food but I only had a Big Mac, some fries & raw fish.
We arrived home about after 1 o’clock in the morning because dad was talking to my uncle.
Saturday morning I got up to my siblings trying to protect their lollies from each other. I did the same thing but hid
it and just pretended to sleep so they wouldn’t ask me over
& over again. I got up & my mum asked me to drain the pool,
it only took about 10 minutes before it had finished.
She asked if Huti should get in and clean but I refused her offer.
After 30 minutes had passed, I finished and went inside to eat,
while the pool filled up. I had some leftover fish with French fries,
I started to sneeze and it continuously happened one after another until my parents said I wasn’t allowed to swim the next day.
After all the hard work I did it was for nothing.
Sunday appeared. After church, I could feel the splashes from
the pool water outside splashing on me like mini bombs,
After the sun went down it was time to go sleep. My dad was calling Mele,
Huti & Tolo Fijians because they were out in the sun so
much that they changed skin colour. Even though I didn’t get to swim
I still enjoyed watching “Fortnite” on my dad’s phone.
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