
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Technogly - Food class.

Today at food tech I and my partner Jerome made English breakfast, here are the steps we did to make the food.

Step 1 - We turned the oven up to 200 degrees and put 4 slices of bread on the tray.

Step 2 - We fried the sausages, Eggs, and bacon.

Step 3 - We place the fried food on the plate neatly.

Step 4 - We Cooked baked beans.

Step 5 -We took out the bread when it was golden brown and buttered it.

Step 6 - We placed the baked beans on the toast.

Step 7 - We had a FEAST.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sateki,
    You've explained the instructions clearly! Step 7 made me giggle a little. Other than that, I hope you had a great feast!


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