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I have invited you to come and watch me in a school play I hope you come because I have a part in the play I will be singing and acting it will be a great time if you come then you enjoy your time at the play so I hope you will be coming to the play on monday.Me and my school have work really hard and worked out the mistakes my class are singing do you have room and today a child is born on earth.Huti is is going to singing mary said yes yes yes and you will be the best audience that I have if you come.AUNTIES AND UNCLES |
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6:00 pm
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St pius x catholic school
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I am a Year 8 student at St. Pius X Catholic School. I am in Te Wairua Pakiki 4 Learning Space and my teachers are Mr Gaffney, Ms Nees and Mrs Tui .
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Nativity invatation
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.
Today was good but wasn't good enough
I will try next time but I should really try to find more maths learning sites for me to practice
Today I did a my best and it payed of so I think that listening and learning could really pay something good to come back.typing speed test.
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more
This will help me finish my work faster.
today was good but I could of done better but I didn't do the best that I could of done to be more accurate nextime when im at home I will go and have a race to see if my typing is faster or my wrtiting.
Today I did the worst but hey Its a monday my hands were tired from relaxing in the sun of just sleeping but I will try next time.
silent reading

Today I the jolly rogger and the ghostley galleon and this is what happend a meusem was gettin grobbed with happy charts and curses because the meusem was getting robbed by pirates at a bvery smalll island called dull and when all the parents and kids heard thait the meusem was robbed by pirates and matilda called her pirate friend jim lad and when they arrived to the harbor matilda climbed abord the black hole and they were off sailling in the sea.
Silent reading

Pages read
To was a funny story and this is what happend after matilda jumped abored the black hole tilly and jim went to go and see grandpa lad to tell him that dull on the sea was getting robed by pirates and showed a picture or the captin of the pirates and grandpa imeidietly knew who it was and he explained every thing to him about him and his crew.
to be contiued
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Silent reading.

Today I read a book starting from page one and this is what happend is that jack was in a mood and when he was in a mood he always plays by himself and jack had forgot that his cosins were coming and his dad told jack to go ask his friend to come and play wth him but his friend was going to play at emmas house so he went to play with his cousins were in real trouble
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.
Today I got 53/60 and I think that I should practice more to get better with my basic facts I will try next week.
Today I got 47/60 and I tried to do my best but I couldn't I got distracted by some thing elese I will try to just stay foucus on my work and not on what other people are doing.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.
Today I got 46/60 but I needded to do better with my grouping within 100 subtraction to 20 and Addtion to 20 my 10 and 100s,multiplucation to 2,5,10 and divition To 2,5,10 But I need to pay more attention to what my teacher explains to me.
MONDAYToday I got 35/60 and I have made a lot of mistakes in my groupings with 100 Addition to 20and subtraction to 20 The other 10 and 100,2,5,10 table and divion to 2,5,10 is the only ones I know in my know ledge but the others I need to work on and I also need to find more programes that tell me about the gaps on know ledge I don't know.
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