16 April 2020
COVID 19 is a new disease that is affecting the world lately.
If you want to keep yourself safe then I’m going to show you some ways to protect yourself.
If you want to keep yourself safe then I’m going to show you some ways to protect yourself.
- Firstly every time you go to the bathroom you should wash your hands after you have finished, or you will be carrying around germs and spreading it to other people. Washing your hands should be after using the toilet as well and before going to eat. It will keep the germs away especially after touching other food on the table.
- The second thing is when you are going to cough or sneeze, make sure you put your mouth up against your elbow. Instead of coughing onto people’s faces because your germs will go onto them and they will get sick and become absent for work or school. It makes them miss out on important things that they would’ve wanted to join, especially if they had been preparing for it a lot every day. Also, because if you sneeze out into the open the germs stay there for a while. if someone touches the surface you sneeze around and they eat something, your germs will go into their body and they will get sick.
- Another thing people are doing is keeping a 2-meter distance away from other people. If we just keep in reach with the people in our bubble, there is no chance that we could be affected by COVID - 19. If we wanted to deliver something to other family members, we would just leave the package or whatever it is at the mailbox or the front door. That way when you leave it at the mail you can just go and your relative can just go and fetch it, without a big fuss going on about where you should put it.
- That way if the person you make contact with does have a disease then you won’t be affected by it. Even though you are 2 meters away from other people you still have to cough into your elbow, to prevent your germs from spreading. Another thing to have around your house is hand sanitizer. To make sure your hands are always clean when you’re around the house or at another house.
- By following these steps you may be safe and not affected by COVID - 19, you could even survive the weeks we are stuck in lockdown.
If we all follow these easy steps to avoid COVID - 19 we will slow down the process of this new virus spreading to other people even more. Use these steps and you or your family members would not be affected by this new virus. You will then have the pleasure of enjoying their company for many more years.
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ehsasnz@gmail.com , anat@saintpiusx.school.nz