I am a Year 8 student at St. Pius X Catholic School. I am in Te Wairua Pakiki 4 Learning Space and my teachers are Mr Gaffney, Ms Nees and Mrs Tui .
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Holy Spirit Strand
I read 4 scriptures and had to Identify what God is being Portrayed as in the scripture.
Friday, April 24, 2020
I created a poster about Anzac to commemorate those brave souls we lost.
Thursday 22nd April 2020
During this lockdown, I am living in a bubble of eight people including me. I live with my mum, dad, my three noisy sisters and my two CRAZY!!! Brothers. Having to do learning at home is ok because there are minimal distractions, but also you can get a lot of work done in one day. Doing work from home can sometimes make you distracted. When you ask for help you’re going to get a reply, but it might be after you have just finished doing your work.
Even though my siblings can be very annoying, we always get along at the end of the day. There are days where we can be sweet angles to each other, but there are days where we can be mean devils and argue with each other. If we are bored we would tell jokes and mock each other, but sometimes I will play songs on the guitar like “Memories”, “Someone you loved”,” Ed Sheeran Perfect” and “when I was your man” by Bruno Mars. Sometimes I wish these memories would never end.
During a school at home day, we would just meet up with our teachers and have prayer before we move onto our learning. We have to get up before 9:00 am because learning starts at 9:30 am. I have been tired every weekday and the favourite day for me is the weekends, I can sleep in during the morning and wake up to clean and just eat. I never knew school days were more difficult to wake up to from home, normally I would just wake up and not feel tired. Maybe it’s just my body feeling like it’s the holiday still. Hopefully, there will be a cure to COVID - 19 so we can return our normal lives, but also for people to have their jobs back to look after their family.
I have not been in touch with the other people in my family. the only person who does keep in touch with them is my mum. She rings them to see what they’re doing or to see what they wanted from before, or sometimes it’s to celebrate something online. Just like my little cousin’s birthday that we had in March. We all celebrated it together online because we weren’t allowed to go to other people’s houses. I have a brother in Australia who my Mum always keeps in touch with, but that only happens when he is available to call us. If only people were allowed to have their jobs back since we are in Level 3.
Something I realised around the people in my bubble is that we are starting to get along with each other better now than how we used to. We would be sharing a little bit more and not think everything is ours. We are all treated the same way from our parents because they love us, but there is less arguing happening in the house because we all get along with each other. Throughout all the years I’ve been living in this house I think that this is the best year, not only because we get along and play fairly. Also, we treat each other with respect 70%, of us, the other 30% is still arguing screaming their hearts out.
I never knew that learning from home would be very difficult, I have had mistakes and I have learnt from them.
Spending time with my bubble is something that doesn’t happen normally because my dad is always at work most of the days.
So it is a good time to spend time with him and get along and laugh about things. We also get to share the things we love and it’s
good because I have a lot of things in common with my dad. Learning from home such a different experience but you need to get
used to it because there might be another time like this.
Spending time with my bubble is something that doesn’t happen normally because my dad is always at work most of the days.
So it is a good time to spend time with him and get along and laugh about things. We also get to share the things we love and it’s
good because I have a lot of things in common with my dad. Learning from home such a different experience but you need to get
used to it because there might be another time like this.
Stratergy Slides: Place Value
My strategy for this week is Place Value, I wrote each question down and showed my thinking on how I solved the problem. Next week I will choose and different strategy to use for solving problems.
Religous Education
I had to retell the story about Jesus's Resurrection, what happened, what he said and what did the disciples did.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Avoiding Covid - 19
16 April 2020
COVID 19 is a new disease that is affecting the world lately.
If you want to keep yourself safe then I’m going to show you some ways to protect yourself.
If you want to keep yourself safe then I’m going to show you some ways to protect yourself.
- Firstly every time you go to the bathroom you should wash your hands after you have finished, or you will be carrying around germs and spreading it to other people. Washing your hands should be after using the toilet as well and before going to eat. It will keep the germs away especially after touching other food on the table.
- The second thing is when you are going to cough or sneeze, make sure you put your mouth up against your elbow. Instead of coughing onto people’s faces because your germs will go onto them and they will get sick and become absent for work or school. It makes them miss out on important things that they would’ve wanted to join, especially if they had been preparing for it a lot every day. Also, because if you sneeze out into the open the germs stay there for a while. if someone touches the surface you sneeze around and they eat something, your germs will go into their body and they will get sick.
- Another thing people are doing is keeping a 2-meter distance away from other people. If we just keep in reach with the people in our bubble, there is no chance that we could be affected by COVID - 19. If we wanted to deliver something to other family members, we would just leave the package or whatever it is at the mailbox or the front door. That way when you leave it at the mail you can just go and your relative can just go and fetch it, without a big fuss going on about where you should put it.
- That way if the person you make contact with does have a disease then you won’t be affected by it. Even though you are 2 meters away from other people you still have to cough into your elbow, to prevent your germs from spreading. Another thing to have around your house is hand sanitizer. To make sure your hands are always clean when you’re around the house or at another house.
- By following these steps you may be safe and not affected by COVID - 19, you could even survive the weeks we are stuck in lockdown.
If we all follow these easy steps to avoid COVID - 19 we will slow down the process of this new virus spreading to other people even more. Use these steps and you or your family members would not be affected by this new virus. You will then have the pleasure of enjoying their company for many more years.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
I had to create a poster showing the 8 safety rules we should follow while we are cooking in the kitchen.
Friday, April 17, 2020
I had to make a presentation for R.E with the people in my bubble.
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