Jonah - Kiwi sports on Monday. The first game we played was Rock Paper Scissors. When we played we had to be picked in different teams. The teams were team one and team two. When we started to play I was chosen to be in team two. After every game my team lost all of them.
Jonah - Kiwi sports on Monday. The first game we played was Rock Paper Scissors. When we played we had to be picked in different teams. The teams were team one and team two. When we started to play I was chosen to be in team two. After every game my team lost all of them.
Sateki -
I liked Kiwi sport, we played chain tag which needed a lot of teamwork we also played
rock paper scissors.I was in the music mentor group where we were learning to make a Song.
we learnt about how the song was produced and how it was needed to be formed.I liked how
much fun we had in math it was helping understand fraction or basic facts problems.
rock paper scissors.I was in the music mentor group where we were learning to make a Song.
we learnt about how the song was produced and how it was needed to be formed.I liked how
much fun we had in math it was helping understand fraction or basic facts problems.
Jonah -
Getting hit in the face with a soccer ball and it hurt really bad. And I kinda cried.
Getting hit in the face with a soccer ball and it hurt really bad. And I kinda cried.
Sateki -
My Non - Highlight was when I didn’t behave or didn’t have the best day on Tuesday.
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ehsasnz@gmail.com , anat@saintpiusx.school.nz