Today I am reading a new book and it is called Captainunder pants, and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxes. It is the tenth epic novel out of twelfth.This is what happened. After Mr Krupp had been fired, George and Harold could not hypnotize him anymore, so if Mr Krupp's not there then will be no more Captain underpants. In one part I red in the story is, that giants are way to slow like a tortise. People who are giant like george and harold who were zaped and turned into giant zombie nerds are so slow. They are tortises. One faithful morning professor p poopypants was wallking down the road, simlling until he had not felt the sun. He open his eyes and saw that he was about to be steped on, by zombie nerd george. then Tippy started screaming. He sreamed louder and louder. When he was screaming his voice got softer and softer, untill he started to look at his watch.He stoped screaming and got bored, so he went to the mall. When he arrived, he did many things before he wanted to go back. He got a foot massage, buy a massive pack of tomato sauce and keep it with him. When the sun was going to set he went back to zombie nerd george and harold.
He put the large pack of tomato sauce under george's shoes and ran quickly to his robo - time - pants
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